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Join the 15th "Quit to Win" Contest for a smoke-free and carefree life

The 15th "Quit to Win" Smoke-free Community Campaign kick-started. Recruitment and promotion activities will be organized across the territory to encourage smokers to kick smoking habit and achieve the smoke-free lifestyle. Validated quitters can seize this opportunity to win fabulous prize included travel coupon or supermarket coupons.

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Smoke-free Sportswear Day 2024

World Health Organization (WHO) designates 31 May as World No Tobacco Day every year. COSH launched a publicity programme with the theme of “Smoke-free Evoke, Wellness Spoke” in 2024 to echo World No Tobacco Day. A series of themed activities were held to motivate smokers for smoking cessation and appeal non-smokers to encourage smokers to quit smoking, in order to step forward to achieve the tobacco-free goal.

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World No Tobacco Day 2024

The World Health Organization designates 31st May of each year as the World No Tobacco Day. The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2024 is “Protecting children from tobacco industry interference”, calling for the tobacco industry to stop targeting at youth with tobacco products.

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Winners of the 14th “Quit to Win” Contest

The 14th “Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign motivated over 1,200 smokers to quit smoking. Winners of the 14th “Quit to Win” Contest abstained from the smoking habits with perseverance, in pursuit of healthy family life, role model for children, enhancement of personal image and financial status.

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Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023

“Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023” aims to encourage the business sector to promote smoke-free messages to their stakeholders including employees, customers and the general public on a continuous basis as well as to commemorate the outstanding companies/ organizations for their efforts in implementing smoke-free policies. COSH, partnering with various smoking cessation service providers, will assist businesses in setting smoke-free guidelines and internal policies to encourage smokers to kick the habit. Outstanding smoke-free companies/ organizations will be recognized for their commitment to a smoke-free corporate culture.

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Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023

“Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023” aims to encourage the business sector to promote smoke-free messages to their stakeholders including employees, customers and the general public on a continuous basis as well as to commemorate the outstanding companies/ organizations for their efforts in implementing smoke-free policies. COSH, partnering with various smoking cessation service providers, will assist businesses in setting smoke-free guidelines and internal policies to encourage smokers to kick the habit. Outstanding smoke-free companies/ organizations will be recognized for their commitment to a smoke-free corporate culture.

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Feature Story

Avoiding or Accumulating Secondhand Smoke? The Ideal and Reality of "Designated Smoking Areas"

Hong Kong has a dense population and busy streets, leading many people to be exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) while queuing or walking on the sidewalks. Some people perceive that establishing "designated smoking areas" in public places would be a potential solution to reduce SHS exposure. However, this approach may not be able to effectively reduce secondhand smoke and could create other problems to the community in the real-world environment?

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